Refereed Journal Articles & Conference Proceedings
- Martin, K., Nissenbaum, H., & Shmatikov, V. Forthcoming. No Cookies for You!: Evaluating the Promises of Big Tech’s ‘Privacy-Enhancing’ Techniques. Georgetown Journal of Law and Technology. (appendix).
- Martin, K. 2024. Privacy, Platforms, and the Honeypot Problem. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology.
- Martin, K. 2023. Predatory Predictions and The Ethics of Predictive Analytics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
- Villegas-Galaviz, C. and Martin, K. 2023. Moral Distancing, AI, and the Ethics of Care. AI & Society.
- Waldman, Ari and K. Martin. 2022. Governing Algorithmic Decisions: The role of decision importance and governance on perceived legitimacy of algorithmic decisions. Big Data & Society.
- Martin, K and Ari Waldman. 2022. When Are Algorithmic Decisions Perceived as Legitimate? The Effect of Process and Outcomes on Perceptions of Legitimacy of Algorithmic Decisions Journal of Business Ethics.
- Martin, K. 2022. Manipulation, Privacy, and Choice. North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology, 23(3): 452-525.
- Martin, K. and B. Parmar. 2021. Designing Ethical Technology Requires Systems for Anticipation and Resilience. MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Martin, K and Helen Nissenbaum. 2020. What is it about Location? Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 35(1).
- Martin, K. 2020. Breaking the Privacy Paradox: The Value of Privacy and Associated Duty of Firms. Business Ethics Quarterly, 30(1): 65-96. Appendix
- Martin, K. 2019. Privacy, Trust, and Governance. Washington University Law Review, 96(6).
- Martin, K., Shilton, K, and Smith, J. 2019. Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology: Introduction to the Symposium. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Martin, K. 2019. Designing Ethical Algorithms. MISQ Executive. June 2019.
- de los Reyes, G. and Martin, K. Not from Guile, but from Entitlement: Lawful Opportunism Capitalizes on the Cracks in Contracts. Buffalo Law Review, 67(1).
- Martin, K. 2018. Ethical Implications and Accountability of Algorithms. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Martin, K. 2018. Commentary: Trust and the Online Market-Maker: A comment on Etzioni’s Cyber Trust. Journal of Business Ethics [FT50].
- Martin, K. 2018. The Penalty for Privacy Violations: How Privacy Violations Impact Trust Online. Journal of Business Research [IF 3.354] 82: 103-116.
- Martin, K. and Helen Nissenbaum. Privacy Interests in Public Records: An empirical investigation. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology [T-50 Law Reviews], 31(Fall).
- Winner: 2016 Privacy Papers for Policy Makers, Future Privacy Foundation.
- Highlighted in Slate (2017) Trump’s Voter Data Haul Tests the Privacy of Public Records
- Martin, K. Do Privacy Notices Matter? Comparing the impact of violating formal privacy notices and informal privacy norms on consumer trust online. Journal of Legal Studies. 45(S2): S191-S215.
- Martin, K. Review: Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side. Business Ethics Quarterly 27(1): 147-150.
- Martin, K and Helen Nissenbaum. Measuring Privacy: An empirical examination of common privacy measures in context. Columbia Science and Technology Law Review. 18: 176-218.
- Pirson, M., Martin, K. & Parmar, B. Accepted. Public Trust in Business. Business and Society.
- Shilton, K. & Martin, K. Accepted. Mobile Privacy Expectations in Context. The Information Society.
- Pirson, M., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2017. Formation of Stakeholder Trust in Business and the Role of Personal Values. Journal of Business Ethics [FT50], 145(1): 1-20.
- Martin, K. 2016. Data Aggregators, Big Data, and Responsibility Online- Who is tracking us online and should they stop? The Information Society.
- Martin, K. 2015. Privacy Notices as Tabula Rasa- How consumers project expectations on privacy notices. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
- Martin, K. 2015. Ethical Issues in the Big Data Industry. MISQ Executive.
- Martin, K. 2015. Understanding Privacy Online: Development of a Social Contract Approach to Privacy. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Martin, K. & Shilton, K. Forthcoming. Experience, Trust, and Privacy in Mobile Space. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
- Glac, K., Elm, D., & Martin, K. 2014. Areas of Privacy in Facebook: Expectations and value. Business and Professional Ethics Journal 33 (2/3), 147-176.
- Martin, K. 2014. Regulating Code. Book Review. Business Ethics Quarterly 24(4): 624-627.
- Martin, K. 2013. Transaction Costs, Privacy, and Trust- The laudable goals and ultimate failure of notice and choice online. First Monday 18(12). Lead Article.
- Martin, K. 2012. Information Technology and Privacy: Conceptual muddles or privacy vacuums? Ethics and Information Technology 14(4): 267-284.
- Martin, K. 2012. Diminished or Just Different? A Factorial Vignette Study of Privacy as a Social Contract.. Journal of Business Ethics 11(4): 519-539.
- Martin, K. & Parmar, B. 2012. Assumptions in Decision Making Scholarship: A taxonomy of assumptions. Journal of Business Ethics 105(3): 289-306.
- Martin, K. 2011. TMI (Too Much Information)- The Role of Friction and Familiarity in Disclosing Information. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 30(1/2): 1-32.
- Martin, K. 2008. Internet Technologies in China- Insights on the Morally Important Influence of Managers. Journal of Business Ethics 83: 489-501.
- Freeman, R.E, Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2007. Stakeholder Capitalism. Journal of Business Ethics 74: 303-314.
- Reprinted:
- Business and Poverty: The global CSR case-book. (Eds., Weber & Gross).
- Reprinted:
- Martin, K. & Freeman, R.E. 2004. The Separation of Technology and Ethics in Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics 53: 353-364.
- Martin, K. & Freeman, R.E. 2003. Some Problems with Employee Monitoring. Journal of Business Ethics 43: 353-361.
- Reprinted:
- IJOB The IFCAI Journal of Organizational Behavior Vol. III(1).
- Employee Monitoring by The Magnus School of Business (India).
- Featured:
- 2004 (June 24). Skapinker. The Boss is Watching. Financial Times.
- Reprinted:
Book Chapters/Other Articles
- Martin, K. Forthcoming Johnson’s Algorithmic Accountability and Corporate Accountability Dissonance. In Noorman and Verdicchio (eds) Computer ethics across disciplines: applying Deborah Johnson’s philosophy to algorithmic accountability and AI.
- Trittin-Ulbrich, H. and K. Martin. 2022. Towards a Human-Centered View on Digital Technologies (commentary). Journal of Business Ethics.
- Perry, V. and K. Martin. 2022. Algorithms for All: Has Digitalization in the Mortgage Market Expanded Access to Homeownership? Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies Symposium..
- Martin, K. and C. Villegas-Galaviz. 2022. AI and Corporate Responsibility: How and why firms are responsible for AI. In: Poff D.C., Michalos A.C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer, Cham.
- Martin, K. 2022. Algorithmic Bias and Corporate Responsibility. Forthcoming in Ethics of Data and Analytics. Kirsten Martin (Ed.) Taylor & Francis.
- Martin, K. and K. Shilton. Privacy Expectations in the Mobile Space. In Evan Selinger, Jules Polonetsky and Omer Tene (Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy. Cambridge University Press.
- Martin, K. The Role of Firms in the Economics of Privacy. In Christopher Yoo (Ed.). End User Privacy. Brookings Institution Press.
- Freeman, R.E., Parmar, B., and Martin, K. ““Responsible capitalism: Business for the 21st Centry” In D. Barton, D. Horváth, & M. Kipping (Eds.) Re-imagining Capitalism: Building a responsible, long-term model, Oxford University Press.
- Martin, K. Forthcoming. Proxy Servers, Google, Twitter, and Censorship: Pluralism in the study of innovation. Responsibility to Protect and Private Actors Cambridge University Press.
- Pirson, M., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2014. Public Trust in Business, in A. Wicks, J. Harris, & B. Moriarty (Eds.) Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Martin, K. 2013. Ethics Issues in Technology, in 3rd Edition of the Wiley (Blackwell) Encyclopedia of Management – Business Ethics Volume.
- Martin, K. 2010. Privacy Revisited- From Lady Godiva’s Peeping Tom to Facebook’s Beacon Program. Program, in D. Palmer (Ed.) Ethical Issues in E-Business: Models and Frameworks. IGI Global Publishers.
- Freeman, R.E., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2008. Global Business in a Stakeholder Society: Stakeholder Capitalism in S. Gerhardt (Ed.) Global CSR Casebook. ICEP Institut zur Cooperation bei Entwicklungs-Projekten.
- Freeman, R.E., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2006. Ethics and Capitalism, in Epstein and Hanson (Eds.) The Accountable Corporation Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
- Freeman, R.E., Martin, K., Parmar,, B. Cording, M., & Werhane, P. 2006. Leading Through Values and Ethical Principles, in Cooper and Burke (Eds.) Inspiring Leaders. Oxford: Routledge Publishing.
Practitioner Papers and Cases
- Martin, J. & Martin. 2015. “NCAA and Paying Athletes” Teaching Case. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
- Scotto, M. & Martin. 2011. “Bailouts and Bonuses” Teaching Case. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
- Featured
- Haggerty, M. 2011 (May 6). “Business Ethics” CQ Researcher 21(18): 409-432.
- Featured
- Martin, K. 2011. “Friedman, Fairness, and Bonuses: Teaching Bailouts and Bonuses” Teaching Note. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
- Martin, K. Forthcoming. “Google, Inc., in China”. Teaching Case. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
- Martin, K. 2010. “Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom” Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.
- Martin, K. 2010. “Facebook (A)/(B)” Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.
- Martin, K. 2010. “Facebook and Privacy” Teaching Note. Darden Business Publishing.
- Martin, K. 2008. Ethics of Innovation. Bridge Paper Series. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics
- Featured:
- 2008. Jaegler, J. (September 23). Compliance Week.
- 2008. Where Ethics and Innovation Collide. August/September 2008. PE Magazine. (National Society of Professional Engineering (NSPE)).
- Featured:
- Martin, K. Google, Inc. in China – Condensed. Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.
- Martin, K. Teaching Google, Inc. in China. Teaching Note. Darden Business Publishing.
- Martin, K. 2006. Google, Inc. in China. Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.