All Papers

Refereed Journal Articles & Conference Proceedings

  1. Martin, K., Nissenbaum, H., & Shmatikov, V.  2025. No Cookies for You!: Evaluating the Promises of Big Tech’s ‘Privacy-Enhancing’ TechniquesGeorgetown Law Technology Review 9:1.  (appendix).
  2. Martin, K.  2024.  Privacy, Platforms, and the Honeypot ProblemHarvard Journal of Law and Technology.
  3. Martin, K.  2023.  Predatory Predictions and The Ethics of Predictive Analytics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
  4. Villegas-Galaviz, C. and Martin, K. 2023. Moral Distancing, AI, and the Ethics of CareAI & Society. 
  5. Waldman, Ari and K. Martin. 2022.  Governing Algorithmic Decisions: The role of decision importance and governance on perceived legitimacy of algorithmic decisions.  Big Data & Society.  
  6. Martin, K and Ari Waldman. 2022. When Are Algorithmic Decisions Perceived as Legitimate? The Effect of Process and Outcomes on Perceptions of Legitimacy of Algorithmic Decisions  Journal of Business Ethics.
  7. Martin, K.  2022.  Manipulation, Privacy, and Choice.  North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology, 23(3): 452-525.
  8. Martin, K. and B. Parmar. 2021.  Designing Ethical Technology Requires Systems for Anticipation and ResilienceMIT Sloan Management Review.
  9. Martin, K and Helen Nissenbaum.  2020.  What is it about Location? Berkeley Technology Law Journal, 35(1).
  10. Martin, K. 2020. Breaking the Privacy Paradox: The Value of Privacy and Associated Duty of Firms. Business Ethics Quarterly, 30(1): 65-96.  Appendix
  11. Martin, K. 2019. Privacy, Trust, and Governance. Washington University Law Review, 96(6).
  12. Martin, K., Shilton, K, and Smith, J. 2019. Business and the Ethical Implications of Technology: Introduction to the Symposium. Journal of Business Ethics.
  13. Martin, K. 2019. Designing Ethical Algorithms. MISQ Executive. June 2019.
  14. de los Reyes, G. and Martin, K.   Not from Guile, but from Entitlement: Lawful Opportunism Capitalizes on the Cracks in Contracts. Buffalo Law Review, 67(1).
  15. Martin, K. 2018. Ethical Implications and Accountability of AlgorithmsJournal of Business Ethics.
  16. Martin, K. 2018. Commentary: Trust and the Online Market-Maker:  A comment on Etzioni’s Cyber Trust. Journal of Business Ethics [FT50].
  17. Martin, K. 2018. The Penalty for Privacy Violations: How Privacy Violations Impact Trust Online. Journal of Business Research [IF 3.354] 82: 103-116.
  18. Martin, K. and Helen Nissenbaum. Privacy Interests in Public Records: An empirical investigation. Harvard Journal of Law and Technology [T-50 Law Reviews], 31(Fall).
    1. Winner: 2016 Privacy Papers for Policy Makers, Future Privacy Foundation.
    2. Highlighted in Slate (2017) Trump’s Voter Data Haul Tests the Privacy of Public Records
  19. Martin, K.   Do Privacy Notices Matter? Comparing the impact of violating formal privacy notices and informal privacy norms on consumer trust online. Journal of Legal Studies. 45(S2): S191-S215.
  20. Martin, K. Review: Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side. Business Ethics Quarterly 27(1): 147-150.
  21. Martin, K and Helen Nissenbaum. Measuring Privacy: An empirical examination of common privacy measures in context. Columbia Science and Technology Law Review. 18: 176-218.
  22. Pirson, M., Martin, K. & Parmar, B. Accepted. Public Trust in Business. Business and Society.
  23. Shilton, K. & Martin, K. Accepted. Mobile Privacy Expectations in Context. The Information Society.
  24. Pirson, M., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2017. Formation of Stakeholder Trust in Business and the Role of Personal Values.  Journal of Business Ethics [FT50], 145(1): 1-20.
  25. Martin, K. 2016. Data Aggregators, Big Data, and Responsibility Online- Who is tracking us online and should they stop? The Information Society.
  26. Martin, K. 2015. Privacy Notices as Tabula Rasa- How consumers project expectations on privacy notices. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.
  27. Martin, K. 2015. Ethical Issues in the Big Data Industry. MISQ Executive.
  28. Martin, K. 2015. Understanding Privacy Online: Development of a Social Contract Approach to Privacy. Journal of Business Ethics.
  29. Martin, K. & Shilton, K. Forthcoming. Experience, Trust, and Privacy in Mobile Space. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
  30. Glac, K., Elm, D., & Martin, K. 2014. Areas of Privacy in Facebook: Expectations and valueBusiness and Professional Ethics Journal 33 (2/3), 147-176.
  31. Martin, K. 2014. Regulating Code. Book Review. Business Ethics Quarterly 24(4): 624-627.
  32. Martin, K. 2013. Transaction Costs, Privacy, and Trust- The laudable goals and ultimate failure of notice and choice online. First Monday 18(12). Lead Article.
  33. Martin, K. 2012. Information Technology and Privacy: Conceptual muddles or privacy vacuums? Ethics and Information Technology 14(4): 267-284.
  34. Martin, K. 2012. Diminished or Just Different? A Factorial Vignette Study of Privacy as a Social Contract.. Journal of Business Ethics 11(4): 519-539.
  35. Martin, K. & Parmar, B. 2012. Assumptions in Decision Making Scholarship: A taxonomy of assumptions. Journal of Business Ethics 105(3): 289-306.
  36. Martin, K. 2011. TMI (Too Much Information)- The Role of Friction and Familiarity in Disclosing Information. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 30(1/2): 1-32.
  37. Martin, K. 2008. Internet Technologies in China- Insights on the Morally Important Influence of Managers. Journal of Business Ethics 83: 489-501.
  38. Freeman, R.E, Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2007. Stakeholder Capitalism. Journal of Business Ethics 74: 303-314.
    1. Reprinted:
      1. Business and Poverty: The global CSR case-book. (Eds., Weber & Gross).
  39. Martin, K. & Freeman, R.E. 2004. The Separation of Technology and Ethics in Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics 53: 353-364.
  40. Martin, K. & Freeman, R.E. 2003. Some Problems with Employee Monitoring. Journal of Business Ethics 43: 353-361.
    1. Reprinted:
      1. IJOB The IFCAI Journal of Organizational Behavior Vol. III(1).
      2. Employee Monitoring by The Magnus School of Business (India).
    2. Featured:
      1. 2004 (June 24). Skapinker. The Boss is Watching. Financial Times.

Book Chapters/Other Articles

  1. Martin, K.  Forthcoming Johnson’s Algorithmic Accountability and Corporate Accountability Dissonance.  In Noorman and Verdicchio (eds) Computer ethics across disciplines: applying Deborah Johnson’s philosophy to algorithmic accountability and AI.
  2. Trittin-Ulbrich, H. and K. Martin. 2022. Towards a Human-Centered View on Digital Technologies (commentary). Journal of Business Ethics.
  3. Perry, V. and K. Martin. 2022. Algorithms for All: Has Digitalization in the Mortgage Market Expanded Access to Homeownership?  Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies Symposium..
  4. Martin, K. and C. Villegas-Galaviz.  2022. AI and Corporate Responsibility: How and why firms are responsible for AI. In: Poff D.C., Michalos A.C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer, Cham.
  5. Martin, K. 2022Algorithmic Bias and Corporate Responsibility.  Forthcoming in Ethics of Data and Analytics. Kirsten Martin (Ed.)   Taylor & Francis.  
  6. Martin, K. and K. Shilton. Privacy Expectations in the Mobile Space. In Evan Selinger, Jules Polonetsky and Omer Tene (Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy. Cambridge University Press.
  7. Martin, K. The Role of Firms in the Economics of Privacy. In Christopher Yoo (Ed.). End User Privacy. Brookings Institution Press.
  8. Freeman, R.E., Parmar, B., and Martin, K. ““Responsible capitalism: Business for the 21st Centry”  In D. Barton, D. Horváth, & M. Kipping (Eds.) Re-imagining Capitalism: Building a responsible, long-term model, Oxford University Press.
  9. Martin, K.  Forthcoming. Proxy Servers, Google, Twitter, and Censorship: Pluralism in the study of innovation. Responsibility to Protect and Private Actors Cambridge University Press.
  10. Pirson, M., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2014. Public Trust in Business, in A. Wicks, J. Harris, & B. Moriarty (Eds.) Public Trust in Business. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  11. Martin, K. 2013. Ethics Issues in Technology, in 3rd Edition of the Wiley (Blackwell) Encyclopedia of Management – Business Ethics Volume.
  12. Martin, K. 2010. Privacy Revisited- From Lady Godiva’s Peeping Tom to Facebook’s Beacon Program. Program, in D. Palmer (Ed.) Ethical Issues in E-Business: Models and Frameworks. IGI Global Publishers.
  13. Freeman, R.E., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2008. Global Business in a Stakeholder Society: Stakeholder Capitalism in S. Gerhardt (Ed.) Global CSR Casebook. ICEP ­ Institut zur Cooperation bei Entwicklungs-Projekten.
  14. Freeman, R.E., Martin, K., & Parmar, B. 2006. Ethics and Capitalism, in Epstein and Hanson (Eds.) The Accountable Corporation Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
  15. Freeman, R.E., Martin, K., Parmar,, B. Cording, M., & Werhane, P. 2006. Leading Through Values and Ethical Principles, in Cooper and Burke (Eds.) Inspiring Leaders. Oxford: Routledge Publishing.

Practitioner Papers and Cases

  1. Martin, J. & Martin. 2015. “NCAA and Paying Athletes” Teaching Case. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
  2. Scotto, M. & Martin. 2011. “Bailouts and Bonuses” Teaching Case. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
    1. Featured
      1. Haggerty, M. 2011 (May 6). “Business Ethics” CQ Researcher 21(18): 409-432.
  3. Martin, K. 2011. “Friedman, Fairness, and Bonuses: Teaching Bailouts and Bonuses” Teaching Note. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
  4. Martin, K. Forthcoming. “Google, Inc., in China”. Teaching Case. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics.
  5. Martin, K. 2010. “Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom” Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.
  6. Martin, K. 2010. “Facebook (A)/(B)” Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.
  7. Martin, K. 2010. “Facebook and Privacy” Teaching Note. Darden Business Publishing.
  8. Martin, K. 2008. Ethics of Innovation. Bridge Paper Series. Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics
    1.  Featured:
      1. 2008.    Jaegler, J. (September 23). Compliance Week.
      2. 2008.   Where Ethics and Innovation Collide. August/September 2008. PE Magazine. (National Society of Professional Engineering (NSPE)).
  9. Martin, K. Google, Inc. in China – Condensed. Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.
  10. Martin, K. Teaching Google, Inc. in China. Teaching Note. Darden Business Publishing.
  11. Martin, K. 2006. Google, Inc. in China. Teaching Case. Darden Business Publishing.